I am a self-taught photographer residing in Pittsburgh PA.
My adventure started thirty years ago while watching my father process images in his darkroom. Helping mix the chemicals and watching the print come to life in his fingers seemed magical.
Since then photography has grown into something more determined for me.
Most of my weekends and free time consist of road trips, bicycle and camping trips in search of unique scenery and rural decay.
I have traveled to ghost towns, sand dunes, grasslands and badlands,
mostly exploring back roads and off beaten trails.
I consider Pittsburgh to be my studio. The city provides many opportunities for beautiful photography, but I love to travel as well. I’m still drawn by the things that attracted me to photography in the first place: the excitement of new adventures using lighting techniques and looking for that special moment in time to make the final image captivating.
My goal is to inspire the viewer. By creating images that reach out, provokes and stirs the inner soul and keeps you coming back again and again.