Egyptian born artist Samir Elsabee received his formal training at the Faculty of fine Art in Cairo, Egypt. He later became an instructor of paining in Alexandria where he established his first studio. Samir moved to the Sudan in Africa from there where he established a studio and worked for 15 years. In 19?? He moved to the United States and established a third studio in New Jersey where his works were exhibited in two galleries and also New York City. He now resides in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania where he moved in 2001 to be near his daughter. His works have been exhibited internationally as well as many regional and local Sewickley art galleries including the House of Two Sisters and now The Bock Tott gallery.
Samir Elsabee paints with light and nothing but the light. His works are internally luminescent as a result of his ability to capture and project the beauty of a natural light in all his works. He has an uncanny and knowledgeable desire to share with the viewer the truth about the light in which he paints. At first glance his work may appear simple to a common viewer but with further examination even they will realize the exceptional complication of his work as they are sucked into his world of time and space. His use of light in his paintings has been compared to that of the renaissance artist Caravaggio.
Samir Elsabee has exhibited in museums in Alexandria, Egypt, Khartoum Sudan, Morroco, and Washington D.C.
In 19 his work was selected by the Governor of New Jersey to participate in a prestigious competition including 11 other artists.
He has had many solo exhibitions in:
Alexandria, Egypt,
Khartoum, Sudan
Warsaw, Poland
New York
His work received many awards while exhibiting at the Biennial of Alexandria, Egypt and the Salon of Cairo.
His works are in many collections around the world.